NASA Education Initiatives & Opportunities
NASA Space Science
Education Resource Directory (http://teachspacescience.stsci.edu) - NASA's
Office of Space Science has released an online resource directory
for space science education materials that you can use in your
classroom. The directory is searchable by grade
level, subject, and topic. The resources cover all topics in
space science, from black holes to the planets, and contains listings
for materials at all grade levels. The Imagine the
Universe! team has been involved in the development of this
directory from its inception, and is pleased that this directory
is now available. Also see the
NASA Press Release.
NASA Teacher Resource Centers information (http://developers.ivv.nasa.gov/educate/nasa_edu.html)
Spacelink... NASA's Electronic Information System for Educators (http://spacelink.msfc.nasa.gov/)
NASA education programs (http://ednet.gsfc.nasa.gov/nep/programs/)
GSFC programs for teachers and students (http://education.gsfc.nasa.gov/)